Innovation should be as accessible as possible.

Vladislav Shoua
1 min readJul 17, 2022

Today, more than ever, I see the realization of a project that is actually capable of making a powerful simplification for the purchase of people, both simple and of any class, solar energy supply systems. Our algorithm will be a real breakthrough in the field of providing independent renewable solar energy.
The most important thing in our development, we consider a significant simplification of the purchase of solar systems. As you know, it is difficult for people to buy these systems, since they are still quite expensive and pay off for a very long time.
We made it so that people could pay, first of all, cheaper, from about 30–40% of the forced costs of paying for electricity consumed. Secondly, anyone can become a shareholder, co-owner of the solar electricity supply system, at the expense of their own investments, which will also bring profit, by generating more energy than is consumed for the needs of both households and enterprises.
Well, the most interesting. Each of our clients or partners can purchase the system by installments for a period determined by the warranty period of performance.
Our absolute conviction is that innovation should be as accessible as possible.

Sincerely, Shoua Vladislav.

